Strengthen Pathways to Institutional Access and Success

Enhance access, recruitment, retention, and success (education and career) of all students and employees–with an increased emphasis on historically underrepresented and/or minoritized communities.

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Strategic Goals

Goal 1.1. Improve outreach and recruitment processes by employing targeted practices to attract diverse student populations and increase college opportunity pathways for historically underrepresented and/or minoritized, pell eligible, and/or first-generation students, monitoring the impact of cost and aid and graduate assistantship package competitiveness to increase enrollment of accepted undergraduate and graduate students. 

Goal 1.2. Increase institutional support to improve college readiness and ensure the success of all students, such as those from underrepresented, under-resourced, non-traditional backgrounds, or facing academic or social challenges.

Goal 1.3. Develop a coordinated strategy for cultivating new alliances and capitalizing from existing partnerships throughout campus and surrounding communities to improve student retention (undergraduate and graduate) and using evidence-based practices to improve student success, reduce equity gaps, and limit the impact of social determinants (e.g. food insecurity, physical environment, access to health services, social support) on positive student outcomes. 

Goal 1.4. Identify institutional data benchmarks to develop and track holistic, data-driven, and evidence-based approaches to reduce equity gaps in student success with an increased emphasis on educational pipelines, social determinants of academic success, bias reports, shortening time to graduation, and increasing post-graduation success for historically underrepresented and/or minoritized, pell eligible, and/or first-generation students. 

Goal 1.5. Identify and create mechanisms and support structures to enable purposeful  recruitment and professional growth of all staff to identify, track, and promote diversity in administrative leadership. 

Goal 1.6. Conduct an institutional audit on hiring, annual reviews, promotion, bias reports, and disciplinary practices/outcomes to identify and monitor to address perceived institutional barriers and equity gaps to access, tenure, and promotion for employees. 

Goal 1.7. Ensure employee search hiring processes utilize and standardize documented and evidence-based practices to promote transparency and accountability in increasing diverse candidate pools and maintaining fair, equitable, and inclusive outcomes for potential employees. 

Goal 1.8. Formalize mechanisms to enhance fair and equitable effective employee mentoring to support clear lines to tenure, advancement and candidate sponsorship selection for academic or administrative leadership opportunities. 

Goal 1.9. Conduct exit interviews with employees who choose to leave their role in the institution to better understand and when necessary, to address experienced challenges or barriers to retention.


Next: Goal II: Foster a Positive Campus Climate and Culture