
Culturally Sustaining Teaching Certificate

A certificate program offered and administered by the School of Professional Studies. The certificate program addresses unconscious bias in the classroom and is delivered in partnership with UNC Charlotte Urban Education Collaborative and the Department of Middle,...

RASE Fall Forum

Theme: Houseless Close to Home: Stories from Our Own Backyard The UNC Charlotte School of Social Work Race and Social Equity (RASE) Academy Fall Forum is hosted in collaboration with the Atkins Library. The purpose of this forum is to address racial and social...

RASE Spring Forum

Theme: Strategies for Holistic Healing: Mental Health and Diverse Communities during COVID-19 The UNC Charlotte School of Social Work Race and Social Equity Academy (RASE) Spring Forum is hosted in collaboration with the J. Murrey Atkins Library. The forum will...

Public health equity task force

I chair a committee in our department. We are planning data collection and codifying some procedures to assist equity.

Research Project (In progress): Racial Identity

This research project is a collaboration with researchers at Rice University and Michigan State University exploring a process model of resilience for minorities who have experienced race-based identity threat and/or identity trauma in the workplace.

Country-Culture Workshop

Each year, the Office of International Programs offers to faculty and staff a chance to learn about a particular country/culture, usually represented by the international student population at UNC Charlotte. The Country-Culture Workshop includes exploration of a...

Financial Aid and Scholarship Resources

Education Abroad provides students with advising and resources to utilize their UNC Charlotte financial aid, leverage their scholarship eligibility for both internal and external scholarships, and identify specific scholarships external to campus that can assist...

Hispanic Heritage Month

EA offers panels specific to issues Latinx students face when studying abroad, from the beginning of the process to their return home and graduation from UNC Charlotte. EA advisors work with students to identify tools, including Spanish language resources, for...

Know Before You Go Workshop Series

The series will consist of five interactive workshops and a final presentation event. The five workshop topics are Financial Literacy, Social Justice, Sustainability, Intercultural Competence, and Career Development. Each workshop will explore the designated topic...