
Diversity Scholar Showcase

This new program will select, award and feature research being done by graduate students in the DEI space. The showcase will place an emphasis on research that helps the Charlotte or campus community.

Equity policy review

A team of faculty are reviewing Graduate School policies for equity and bias.

Faculty Fellow for Diversity Initiatives

The Graduate Dean has/will hire a faculty fellow to work on diversity initiatives in the Graduate School.

Mentor Training for Graduate Faculty

Using the CIMER curriculum, trained facilitators lead faculty through a workshop that explores the best practices for graduate mentors, including aligning expectations and communicating across cultural differences.

Topics of Diversity and Inclusion (GRAD 6000/8000)

This credit bearing course is offered through the Center for Graduate life and Learning. This courses examines issues of diversity and inclusion from a multi-disciplinary perspective.

Profound Niners

The Profound Niners internship is a paid pathway to teaching for Charlotte male students fo color who meet eligibility criteria. During this semester-long experience, interns gain authentic exposure to K-12 education through classroom mentorship, professional...

Undergraduate Curriculum

A core learning goal for all undergraduate business students is: “Students will demonstrate knowledge of global and diversity concepts.”

Course Activities

MPAD 6311 Introduction to Nonprofit Management--data analysis to show the stark lack of diversity in the governance of nonprofits (e.g., governing boards members, board chairs, executive directors) and we discuss ways to improve this. Also, discuss a lot about how...

Grants, Events, Collaborations, Projects

Recently submitted NSF Proposal Title: Collaborative Research: Creating an Ethical Research Ecosystem for Computing Culture Change (CEREC-3)--Collaboration of Charlotte and Johnson C. Smit University to emphasize diversity, equity, and inclusion from a global...

Initiatives for Jaclyn Piatak, Associate Professor

External grant: Principal Investigator, Scholarly Research in Association Management Grant, American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) Foundation, 2019-2020, Representation and Inclusion in Associations: An Examination of Board Diversity and Volunteer...