Undergraduate Students

A Mother's Place "Too"

Located in Atkins Library, A Mother's Place "Too" provides nursing mothers with a private place to express breast milk for her nursing child.

Asian American Student Staff Workshop by Dr. Othelia Lee

UNC Charlotte Social Work professor, Dr. Othelia Lee, will conduct a workshop focused on the Asian American student population for the University Career Center staff. Case studies, a stereotype activity, and a commitment letter activity were all included.

California State University - San Marcos' DREAMer Resource Office Staff Workshop

California State University - San Marcos' DREAMer Resource Office will join us to share great insight into who are Dreamers, how can we help them and provide resources to help in their career development. (Staff meeting, Wed Apr 13, 2022)

CommunAbility Mentoring Program

CommunAbility Mentoring Program - First College/University in N.C. to have this! Initiated by a grant from the Chancellor’s Diversity Fund, a new partnership between DisabilityIN NC, Office of Disability Services, and the University Career Center was established...

Disability at Work

To bring awareness to topics related to Disability at Work by having a week of Career Meet Ups led by employers, some that have disabilities themselves. Disability Drop In Hours will also be available for students to ask questions about disability related topics. A...

Identity at Work

We believe that it is our responsibility to advocate for and empower students and alumni to pursue their own power-oriented goals. We demonstrate our commitment to create equitable experiences by challenging our own policies and processes as well as employer...

Inclusivity Mixer

The Inclusivity Mixer is the premiere diversity recruiting event at UNC Charlotte. The event welcomes all applicants and employers and hopes to encourage inclusivity and diversity no matter the ethnicity, citizenship, national origin, race, gender, age, sexual...

International Student Panels

International student focused discussion panel that includes a representative from the International Student & Scholar Office (ISSO), international alumni, an immigration attorney, and an employer.

National Disability Employment Awareness Month Career Meet Up Series

A series of Career Meet Ups that focus on disability employment topics, like hidden disabilities, WRP federal program, & disclosure.

Socially Just Assessment/Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Resources/Equity-Minded Assessment Presentation (recording uploaded to website)

Student Affairs Research and Assessment (SARA) has compiled a selection of resources that are focused on Socially Just Assessment and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources. Each of these resources are intended to deepen the reader’s understanding of how the...